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Fajr    Begins:3:25Am    Iqama:04:15AM   |   Sunrise    Begins:05:23 AM    Iqama:-   |   Dhuhr    Begins:12:56PM    Iqama:01:30 PM   |   Asr    Begins:05:02 PM    Iqama:06:15 PM   |   Maghrib    Begins:08:28PM     Iqama:08:33PM   |   Isha'a    Begins:10:30PM    Iqama:10:45 PM   |   Jumma    Begins:01:15 PM    Iqama:01:45 PM   |   
Rahmah Centre
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Islam is an Arabic word that translates “the submission to the will of Allah (God). In a general sense, it means peace. In longer terms, it means peace with Allah, oneself, and all humanity. To Muslims (followers of the Islamic faith), Islam as a religion symbolizes the messages revealed by Allah to his messengers, starting with Adam (the father of mankind) and ending with Muhammed (peace be upon him), the final prophet sent by Allah.